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the rock school of urban ministry application
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth
Sponsoring Church (or Home Church)
Pastor's Name
Describe your ministry experience, if any. Please note if you have had particular experience in inner city ministry:
How did you hear about the Rock School of Urban Ministry?
Briefly describe why you are passionate about urban ministry.
Have you ever been arrested, charged with or convicted of any crime or misdemeanor? If yes, please give the year, charge and disposition:
Have you ever been charged with a crime or incident involving a child? If yes please describe:
Do you have a history of alcohol or drug abuse? If yes, please note how long you have been clean and provide an honest assessment of your current status relative to that substance:
Please describe any specific professional skills, hobbies, talents or gifts that you have (ex. music, art, carpentry, mechanics, house cleaning, teaching/scholarship, etc.).
In the space below, please provide a biography of yourself, including: 1.) Your background, including family life and education. 2.) Your testimony of how you came to know our Lord Jesus. 3.) The experiences that have most shaped who you are today.
In the space below, please describe your vision for urban ministry; i.e. Is there a specific area in an American city where you would ultimately like to serve? Is there a particular aspect of urban ministry you feel most called to? Do you have a church that would be supporting you as you began your urban ministry? Etc.
In our inner-city mission field, we never know what kind of questions people will ask us. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re deadly serious, sometimes they really stretch us; but they are always important. How would you answer these common questions in a way that a “non-churched” person would understand?Which Bible passages would you use?
When I pray, God doesn't answer my prayers. Why?
What's wrong with having sex with somebody you love?
If I commit suicide, will I go to hell?
If God loves me, why does He let me get hurt?
How do you know everything in the Bible is really true?
How would you “lead someone to Christ"?
In teaching “non-churched” people, how would you explain the following?
Spiritual Maturity:
STATEMENT OF FAITH: Here at the Rock Ministries of Philadelphia and Calvary Chapel of Kensington, we’re Christians. That simply means we follow Jesus and His Word, the Bible. We’re not a denomination. We’ve got nothing against denominations, but we’d rather be associated with all those who love Jesus and hold to the essentials of Biblical faith. • The Bible is the Word of God. Period. • No one created God and God created everything. • God is a Trinity. There’s one God consisting of three distinct persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We don’t fully understand that, but it’s what the Bible says. • Like it or not, everyone is a sinner. We inherited sin from the first people, Adam and Eve, who rebelled against God. The result of sin is physical death and eternal separation from God (that is, Hell). • There’s a solution for sin! Jesus, the Son of God, stepped out of eternity; was born of the virgin Mary; and lived the perfect, sinless life that we could not. He died on the cross to suffer the punishment for sin in our place. He was buried and then rose from the dead. If we believe in who Jesus is and what He has done, all our sins are forgiven and we are promised an eternity in Heaven with God! • Love is why Jesus died for us. Our highest desire is to return that love to Him and share it with others. Rock Ministries of Philadelphia and The Rock-Calvary Chapel of Kensington interact with a variety of people of every age that require counsel on a wide range of pressing social issues. All counsel that we provide will be Biblically based. We will never give counsel that contradicts the written Word of God.
My electronic signature below affirms that I am in full agreement with this Statement of Faith.
Thank you for your application. We will review it and contact you shortly. Blessings.